DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post February
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Tuesday, 9th February, 2021

Bible Reading: Psalm 119:11, 2 Timothy 2:15, Acts 17: 11

Memory VerseI was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD. Psalms 122:1 

The word of God is living. The Words of Jesus are victuals for life. What food is to the human body is what the Word of God is to your spirit man. Remember, man is primarily a spirit which has a soul and lives in a body. It is a wise decision to grow your spirit man even as you feed your mind and nourish your body. Your growth should be tripartite and not lopsided. Your spirit man is the real you.


1. Accept the authority of the Bible: Know for sure that the Bible is the ONLY infallible way by which God speak (2 Peter 1:19).

2. Daily Have Your Quiet Time: A quiet time is a time dedicated to be ALONE with God DAILY in worship, thanksgiving, prayer, Bible reading, meditation and hearing from God. In the long run, this is what will make your spirit man truly strong in the Lord. You must know God for yourself. Your Pastor, house fellowship leader, or parents won’t always be there to fight the devil for you, or receive the pattern of your life.

3. Regular Bible study: Though the Ethiopian Eunuch had a heart to know God personally, he needed Philip the evangelist to explain the Scriptures to him. God is not happy with the attitude of many Christians towards the Bible study organized in their various Churches. Unknowing to many Christians, deliverance also comes through knowledge (Proverbs 11:9b). Attending Bible study in your Church gives you  an opportunity to ask questions that might have risen from your daily quiet time.

4. Listen to tapes, CDs, MP3, YouTube videos, iPod, etc, of anointed Men of God: You must learn from men of God of proven integrity bearing visible fruit of the Spirit. I’m happy to inform you that the fullness of God is not found in only one particular General Overseer, Senior Pastor, or Superintendent. We all know in part.

N.B: You will always need the assistance of the Holy Spirit in understanding the Bible. Else, the Bible becomes just another book (John 6:63).

QuoteThe Bible is not only a book which was once spoken, but a book which is now speaking – A.WTozer

Prophetic Decree: As the dare pants after the waters, so shall your heart pant after God.

Prayer Focus

1. I receive an unquenchable fire for the undiluted word of God, in Jesus name.

2. Authority of darkness over my spirit man, break, in Jesus name.

3. Witchcraft birds stealing the word of God from my heart, die, in Jesus name.

4. Fire of the Word, possess my heart, in Jesus name.

5. Thank you Jesus for you cannot be exhausted. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Exodus 30-32

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