DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post December
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Friday, 18th December, 2020.

Bible Reading: 2 Kings 5: 1-19

Memory VerseSo Naaman went down to the Jordan, dipped himself in it seven times, as Elisha had instructed, and he was completely cured. His flesh became firm and healthy like that of a child2 Kings 5:14 (GNT)

The Bible says let it be unto you according to your faith (Matthew 9:29). God has made various avenues available for your healing, but you can choose to trust in Him or not. Why spend so much money on Physicians when there is balm in Gilead? Healing is children’s meat. His stripes must not be made of little or no effect in your life.

Mummy Mary Adesimbo Alao, the distributor of this great devotional (DWOJ) in Nasarawa state, Nigeria shares the testimony of her healing: “Our faith makes our miracles come to manifestation. I was once sick with fibroid and was bleeding heavily every month with serious pains for 10 years. l was booked for surgery severally, but l kept on believing in the capability of my God to perform a spiritual surgery on me. The day my miracle working God will do it,

l was in a normal service at the end of the month for thanksgiving. l had earlier asked God for a birthday gift because it was my 50th birthday. The junior pastor after his message on thanksgiving suddenly asked us to jump up from our seats and shout a big hallelujah. l obeyed and shouted hallelujah to the King of kings. The fibroid disappeared immediately with all the symptoms of pains and heavy bleeding and never to be seen again till date. Indeed, God is a miracle worker.” How can a shout of Hallelujah crush a fibroid of 10 years save the healing and miracle power of God.

This is the same way “a touch” from the hem of Jesus’ garment crushed a 12-year issue of blood that has defied all medications. How can a shout of praise sink a 1.5 – 2m thick wall of Jericho? Imagine if Mummy Amao had despised the prophetic instructions of the “junior pastor”? Imagine if Naaman had despised the “downgrading, nauseating and belittling” prophetic instructions of Prophet Elisha to bath in dirty river Jordan when there are cleaner rivers in Damascus.

Many times, your healing and miracle is connected to a prophetic instruction. Dare to obey. There is no small pastor or big pastor. God is committed to honour the words of His chosen servants; their age notwithstanding. “(God) who confirms the word of His servant and performs the counsel of His messengers” Isaiah 44:26a (NKJV). Your own miracle is next in line, in Jesus name.

Quote: Persistent faith and obedience are essential ingredients for your healing

Prophetic Decree: Let every dead and malfunctioning organ in your body come alive, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Sing: You are the Lord that healeth me. You are the Lord my healer…

2. I plug my health to the healing power in the Blood of Jesus.

3. I break any evil covenant working against my sound health, in Jesus name.

4. I command any cauldron cooking my health to break, in Jesus name.

5. Power in the Blood of Jesus, speak for me, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:   1 Timothy 1-6

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