DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post July
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Sunday, 11th July, 2021

Bible Reading:  Exodus 2: 11-15, Romans 8: 1-2,  2 Corinthians 1:4

Memory Verse:  Long ago the LORD said to Israel: “I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself. Jeremiah 31:3 (NLT)

Sometimes in life, you can have a good intention, but a bad approach. Sometimes in life, you can have a great burden, but a bad work plan. Sometimes in life, your calling is trying to find expression, but your methodology is faulty. Sometimes in life, your gift is trying to find expression but your talents are unrefined. Thankfully, God always finds a way of sending us to the “backside of the desert” for pruning. Of what use is gold in its impure state? It is of little value and worth until it is refined and processed. Moses perceived that he had a calling. He detests the oppression of the Israelites by the Egyptians. Like many of us, he launched out unprepared in his unrefined state thereby killing an Egyptian in the process. Soon, he had to flee to Midian to avoid the wrath of Pharoah.

However, that was God’s method of pulling him out of his comfort zone to his training or refining zone. God’s ways are mysterious. I have a goodnews for someone who thinks his destiny has been ruined due to his many sins, atrocities, or mistakes of time past. Please hear this beloved: Some of our mistakes are raw materials in the hands of God needed for a glorious destiny. Life’s greatest lessons are usually learnt at such times and from some of our worst mistakes. Your past mistakes are those unrefined gold in the hands of a goldsmith. Your past mistakes are like miry clays in the hands of a Potter. Stop brooding over them. Just hand them over to the God of all creativity.

You will be surprised what He will make out of them. If God could use Saul of Tarsus who was a persecutor of the followers of Christ. If God could use Shina Rambo who wasted many lives and did very many abominable things. I am sure your case is not as worse as any of these ones. Submit your past, your mistakes, and your blunders to God. Are you a prostitute, womanizer, backslider, or a tout? Have you been involved in armed robbery, pen robbery, vehicle theft, or all manner of evil? Perhaps you are presently serving a jail term in the prison. There is still hope for you today. Jesus is standing by. Surrender your life to Jesus totally today. Remember, we cannot continue in sin and say grace should abound.

Quote:  When God designed the plan for your life, it wasn’t dependent on you being perfect. Your mistakes are not a surprise to Him.

Prophetic Decree: Your terrible past mistakes shall soon give birth to a glorious message for your generation, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you God for the gift of your Son, Jesus.

2. As a prodigal son, I cry to you Abba Father, have mercy upon me, O Lord.

3. I break the spirit of guilt and condemnation, in Jesus name.

4. Altar of my past affecting my peace, be pulled down by fire, in Jesus name.

5. Activities of mind demons in my mind, be roasted by fire, in Jesus name.

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