DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post August
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Tue, Aug 22, 2017

Bible Reading: Genesis 32: 22-32

Memory VerseSo He said to him, “What is your name?” He said, “Jacob.” And He said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed.” Genesis 32:27-28 (NKJV)

This is a prophetic message. Some destinies became sick right from the day of their naming ceremony because of the name they were given. They were either consciously or unconsciously covenanted to evil altars. The various untold hardship happening today in their lives can be traced to this demonic names. It is sad that many of our parents did this ignorantly.

Jacob (meaning supplanter) had the promise of God hanging over his head, but couldn’t convert it to tangible blessings until his name was changed to Isreal meaning ‘contender with God and Man’. Many like Jacob are struggling with the spirit of average, failure at the edge of breakthrough or near success syndrome, etc. May you move from your Jacob to Israel in the name of Jesus.

A good look at the family of Jabez in 1 Chronicles 4 will keep you speechless. None of them bears a good name. For example, Zobebah means ‘the slow’ (vs 8). You can’t be called ‘the slow’ and snail spirit causing slow progress and retardation will not be at work in your life. None except Jabez who studied his family history and cried loud unto the Lord was blessed. How can you name a child Ichabod meaning ‘the glory has departed’ and expect him to rise in life? See 1 Samuel 4:21. Some names have an evil link and covenant with an evil tree. Other names have evil links to strange gods, or ancestral spirits or evil serpent worshipped in the family.

Quote:   Your name is a spiritual magnet. It magnetizes success or failure to you.

Prophetic Word:  May your Jacob die and your Israel resurrect, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

Repent of every known sin and plead the Blood of Jesus seven times before these prayers:

  1. I silence every altar calling my name for vengeance by the Blood of Jesus.
  2. Ark of God, fall against every altar of Dagon in my father’s house calling my name for evil, in the name of Jesus.
  3. Angels of the living God, re-programme anything programmed against me on my naming ceremony day.
  4.  I recover my star stolen from anyone who carried me from my mother’s womb, in Jesus name.
  5. Childhood problems, die, in Jesus name.

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