DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post February
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Friday, 2nd February, 2018.

Bible Reading: Phil. 3:4-11

Memory Verse:  I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14

Yesterday, we started considering the subject of alternative destiny. The first alternative to your destiny is what you would have become if you were not born again. Today we consider the second alternative.

2. What you could have become in your natural heritage (Like Father -like son evil syndrome): Your family heritage has credited you with positive and negative resources. Your assignment is to profit from those positive flows and exempt yourself from the negative contributions of your family line. The devil is always in the business of repeating negative history and you must ensure that you disallow him from making you his specimen.

If you want to know what alternative destiny lies in your natural heritage, see what your father has become as a man, or see what your mother became as a lady. Do not be ignorant about the subtle ways that the devil sneaks through parental evil flows into the life of believers. Unless you are joined to an authentic anointing that joins you to the purpose of God for your life, you will go the way that your parents have gone. Many young men who said they do not want to be a philanderer (womanizer) like their father but before they knew it, they fell into fornication with ladies they did not love and became polygamist like their fathers. The evil flow in your foundation shall not catch up with your destiny in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Exodus 10 – 12

Quote: Those who care less about their family line become victims of destiny damage.

Prophetic Word: The power of the living God shall establish and promote your destiny in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus:

1. I reject every foundational liability in my life in Jesus name.

2. I rebuke any evil habit in my life sponsoring negative family history in Jesus’ name.

3. Blood of Jesus cut me off from every negative ancestral flow from my foundation in Jesus name.

4. I reject satanic alternative to my Divine destiny in Jesus name.

5. Association of witchcraft in my foundation scatter by thunder, in Jesus name.

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