DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post March
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Friday, 2nd March, 2018

Bible Reading: 2 Corin.12: 8-10

Memory Verse: And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is
made perfect in your weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12: 9a

Do you know your worst subject/course of today can become your most favourite
tomorrow? Take note of the following:

  1. You must like your teacher/lecturer: Even when you do not love your teacher,
    you must like him. It has been observed that students who do not like a particular
    teacher/lecturer find it hard to pass his subject.
  2. Pray: Perhaps you do not like Mathematics, you can pray to God to give
    you the spirit of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding in Mathematics.
  3. Humble yourself: It is humility that will make you ask for help from a friend who
    is better than you are in a particular subject. On the other hand, the person doing the
    teaching should do so in love knowing that the more you teach the more you know.
  4. Extra Lessons/Tutorials: If you have the means, you can engage the services of a
    private tutor.
  5. Constant practice: For instance, if Mathematics is a challenge, solve all the
    problems of a particular topic in your textbook. Refer to friends and your teacher if there
    is any one you cannot solve.
  6. Change your company: Be a friend to the person who knows the subject of your
    weakness. Iron sharpens iron (Prov. 27:17).
    BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Numbers 16 – 17
    Quote: Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts
  • Winston Churchill
    Prophetic Decree: I command Power Must Change Hands in your academics in Jesus
    Prayer Focus:
  1. Powers that stopped the progress of my father hunting my destiny, receive the blow
    of death in Jesus name.
  2. Powers drinking the juice of my destiny, dry up in Jesus name.
  3. Every invisible ancestral yoke hanging around your neck, be broken in Jesus name.
  4. Evil oil of memory failure on my head dry up, in Jesus name.
  5. The command the Oil of Divine favour needed for destiny fulfillment to fall upon my
    head in Jesus name.

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