Friday, 2nd March, 2018
Bible Reading: 2 Corin.12: 8-10
Memory Verse: And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is
made perfect in your weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12: 9a
Do you know your worst subject/course of today can become your most favourite
tomorrow? Take note of the following:
- You must like your teacher/lecturer: Even when you do not love your teacher,
you must like him. It has been observed that students who do not like a particular
teacher/lecturer find it hard to pass his subject. - Pray: Perhaps you do not like Mathematics, you can pray to God to give
you the spirit of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding in Mathematics. - Humble yourself: It is humility that will make you ask for help from a friend who
is better than you are in a particular subject. On the other hand, the person doing the
teaching should do so in love knowing that the more you teach the more you know. - Extra Lessons/Tutorials: If you have the means, you can engage the services of a
private tutor. - Constant practice: For instance, if Mathematics is a challenge, solve all the
problems of a particular topic in your textbook. Refer to friends and your teacher if there
is any one you cannot solve. - Change your company: Be a friend to the person who knows the subject of your
weakness. Iron sharpens iron (Prov. 27:17).
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Numbers 16 – 17
Quote: Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts
- Winston Churchill
Prophetic Decree: I command Power Must Change Hands in your academics in Jesus
Prayer Focus:
- Powers that stopped the progress of my father hunting my destiny, receive the blow
of death in Jesus name. - Powers drinking the juice of my destiny, dry up in Jesus name.
- Every invisible ancestral yoke hanging around your neck, be broken in Jesus name.
- Evil oil of memory failure on my head dry up, in Jesus name.
- The command the Oil of Divine favour needed for destiny fulfillment to fall upon my
head in Jesus name.