Saturday, 13th April 2024
Bible Reading: 3 John 1: 2, 1 Timothy 4:8
Memory Verse: Dear friend, I pray that you may prosper in every way and be in good health physically just as you are spiritually. 3 John 1:2 (HCSB)
The Christian businessman further said: Early one morning as I sat in my study reading my Bible, a close relative who was visiting us came and joined me. We soon began a beautiful discussion on Scripture, but I also noticed that every few minutes, my elderly guest would hiccup. I asked him how long it had been going on and he brushed it off gently saying, “It’s nothing; it comes now and again. It will be gone by lunch”. I pressed him for more information.
Then I stepped out to call my doctor, explaining my observation. “The body is a beautiful machine that has been designed by God with its own alarm systems. Hiccup is one of them. I want to run some tests,” my doctor explained. Without alarming my guest, I told him that our family believes that “maintenance is better than repair” and I wanted him to have a quick check on his hiccup. I cancelled my meetings and took him myself. After a few tests, my doctor decided to keep him overnight and run some more tests.
The following day we were informed that he had cancer. What followed was prayer and treatment and it was dealt with within 6 months. We even travelled together after that, despite his advancing age. “Through your quick action, you saved his life,” my doctor explained. “You know so many of our people [he is black like me] nurse pains and ignore alarms from the body. If you pick up something, get it checked. If you ignore it, if it is something bad, it will spread quickly and we will not be able to deal with it.”
I knew this from another family incident when one of our young daughters kept coughing from what she called a “dry cough”. But when it did not go away after a week, my wife took her to our doctor and insisted on full tests. Even though she was only 21 years old and fit, our daughter had lymphoma, a type of cancer. She began her treatment right away and a few months later returned to University and got her degree and then a Masters.
Again the doctor commended our culture of getting things checked and doing routine check-ups. The doctor told me that many young people are under this myth that only older people get sick. He told me about a young man who had contracted exactly the same cancer as my daughter, but died because he had thought it was “brave to endure pain”. Remember that pain is the body’s own fire alarm. Don’t ignore it.
If you think you might be suffering from depression, or even sometimes have self-harm thoughts like suicide; that is not normal. Please don’t feel alone or embarrassed; reach out for help. Depression is a clinical [medical] condition, no different from any other kind of sickness you might get; IT CAN AND MUST BE TREATED RIGHT AWAY.
Quote: The body is a beautiful machine that has been designed by God with its own alarm systems. Don’t ignore any pain in your body.
Prophetic Decree: I command healing upon your body, soul and spirit, in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus
1. Final Authority over my health, I thank you.
2. I cancel every clinical evil verdict over me, in Jesus name.
3. Generational health diseases in my body, die to your root by fire, in Jesus name.
4. O Lord, please give me a brand new organ if this is what will keep me in health, in Jesus name.
5. I prophesy: I receive a strong spirit with a sound mind in a healthy body, in Jesus name.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1 Samuel 18-20, Psalms 11, 59