DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post July
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Sunday, 25th July, 2021

Bible Reading: 1 Thessalonians 4: 3-5,  Proverbs 6: 25-27

Memory VerseThat each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor 1 Thessolonians 4:4 (ESV)

Consider the following scenarios:

1. She was given $5,000 for sleeping with him for a night. Suddenly, she started getting leaner and leaner. What she didn’t know was that as soon as the sexual intercourse was over, a serpent began to live inside her. Keep yourself pure. Embrace sexual chastity.

2. Ever since a brother slept with a sister, his reproductive organ had remained erect. All the anaesthesia given to him by the doctor only gave a temporal relief. As soon as he wakes up, the painful erection continues. He suffered from excruciating pains until deliverance was ministered unto him. Brethren, there is nothing called casual sex.

3. Sister Hannah was born into a Christian family as her name depicts. She got entangled with the affairs of this world and eventually slept with a strange man. Ever since then, her womb became closed. Be warned especially if you have been consecrated to God by your parents. One casual sex outside Christian marriage may eternally damage your destiny save the grace of God.

4. Her mates kept telling her that her two breast were small because no man was fondling with them. Against the counsel of her Pastor, she gave sex a trial. At the very first intercourse, she bacame pregnant with triplets. The pregnancy became complicated (ectopic). Consequently, she lost the three babies, and her two fallopian tubes alongside. “My child, if sinners entice you, turn your back on them!” Proverbs 1:10 (NLT).

5. She was deceived. Her friends said her painful menstruation was due to the fact that she was still a virgin. That’s a lie which is unscriptural and have no medical basis. She had HIV/AIDS in her first sex trial. Sexual purity will preserve your destiny.

Be warned: Some people say that they only fondle with the body of their sin partners, and they claim they have not committed any sexual sin against God by so doing. Really? Do not be deceived. The standard of the New Testament covenant is even higher. Jesus said if you look at a woman lustfully in your heart, you have already committed adultery (Mat. 5: 28). What you won’t eat, don’t smell. A body that has not been joined with yours in holy matrimony isn’t legally yours. Anything you do with it is a sin. Don’t play smart with God.

Quote: Casual sex could render a destiny a casualty. 

Prophetic Decree:  Receive your deliverance from any form of sexual bondage, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Jehovah Mekoddishkem, the Lord my Sanctifier, I thank You. Please forgive me of all sexual sins, in Jesus name.

2. Cauldrons cooking my sexual organs, catch fire, in Jesus name.

3. The demon of uncontrollable sexual attraction, die, in Jesus name.

4. Altars of my father’s house and my mother’s house pushing me to sexual sins, lose your grip, in Jesus name.

5. I recover my lost glory stolen as a result of sexual sins, in Jesus name..

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Isaiah 37-39; Psalm 76

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