Friday, 24thFebruary, 2017.
Bible reading: Matt. 25: 1-10.
Memory Verse: “And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out” Matthew 25:8(NKJV).
The virgin in our text typifies the Church – the bride of Christ, the soon coming King. She is expected to be pure. All born again Christians are bonafide brides of Christ.
The foolish haven’t learnt much from the principles by which Christ, her husband ruled on earth. The most pathetic group of people are not the unbelievers, they are Christians who do not have adequate knowledge of Christ’s principles. What a pity! Imagine a wasted effort of people who have consecrated their lives in absolute holiness within and withal, yet, they were denied entrance to see the Bridegroom whom they’ve waited so long for due to their foolishness.
Beloved, you can be a virgin of Christ that is holy but still foolish. There is a grace that comes with knowledge. “God’s people perish because of lack of knowledge.” Think about it again… God’s own people! (Hos. 4:6).
Any aspect of your life you don’t allow God control suffers greatly. Some believe in holiness but know little or nothing about Biblical principles on prosperity. So they are holy but poor. “They shut the door” of prosperity unto themselves. “Silver and Gold is mine”, says the Lord Almighty (Hag. 2:8).
Some others believe in deliverance but know little or nothing about the Word of God. Such are delivered but their mind is not liberated. This could be likened to a story of a captured bird who has stayed in her nest for so long. On a fateful day, the one who captured it opened the nest but the bird has forgotten her ability to fly (Psa. 124:7). Delivered but not liberated – a foolish virgin!
Quote: Only those with a balanced understanding of all the doctrines of Christ maximize their inheritance on earth.
Prophetic Word: May the Lord help us out of ignorance, in Jesus name.
Prayer Point:
- Holy Spirit, help me not to be denominational bias in Jesus name.
- I refuse to function in ignorance. I shall function in adequate knowledge in Christ Jesus.