DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post June
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Thu, Jun 29, 2017.

Bible reading: Matthew 16:25-26, Luke 12:23.

Memory Verse: But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33

What many have failed to realize is that only God knows all our needs and only God can meet all our needs. Sometimes we think we know what is good for us, but time and time again, I have discovered that you cannot have something better than what God has in store for you. We have been given dominion over material needs; therefore, the rush for them is uncalled for.

It is an instruction from our Lord and Master to think beyond worldly treasures. They are never worth our focus; they are mere additions to the blessings of God in our lives. If you serve God faithfully, He will reward you handsomely in return, in due time.

It is better to stick with Jesus and be a partaker of His blessings than to go after the ephemeral things of this world. People go into deep occult, demonic confraternity to get to the place of power and wealth. Some enter into deep demonic covenant with water/ mermaid spirit to gain the position of power and influence. It gets worse when they make covenant with these spirits using their unborn children as a surety (Mat. 27:25).

A particular student tried to become the Student Union President two times all to no avail. He went into deep occult the third time and tagged his posters “The Final Battle”. His tenure was full of blood. He missed it by whiskey, spending the remaining part of his life in prison. Vanity upon vanity!

Quote: What God will not give you, may you not have.

Prophetic Word: May you not regret having spent your life running in vain, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

  1. Worldly appetite, die, in the name of Jesus.
  2. My Father, help me to set my affections on things that are Above, in the name of Jesus.
  3. O Lord, deliver me from self destruction.
  4. My Father, deliver me from youthful exuberance, in Jesus name.

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