Monday, 1st January, 2018.
Bible Reading: Psalm 100:1-5
Memory Verse: I am certain that I will see the LORD’s goodness in the land of the living. Psalm 27:13 (HCSB)
I congratulate you on your successful entrance into the year 2018. Surely, you are a product of God’s faithfulness and loving kindness. Hallelujah. However, it is one thing to be part of a year and it is another thing to maximize optimally what the year has got to offer. Every year has got the good and the evil but I come by the Spirit of the living God to announce that the arrow that flies by day and the pestilence that walks at night shall not swallow you in year 2018. Destiny polluters, unfriendly friends, foundational evil powers, negative peer pressure, evil distractions shall not rob you of the best of God for your life this year in the name of Jesus. You shall see the goodness of God in the land of the living.
As Christians, what distinguish us are our regenerated spirit and our renewed mind; hence, we must view the new year a little differently from others. The best way to capture this year is to invest spiritually. You can call forth the blessings and the goodness this year has got to offer and dispel all the evil therein if you will spiritually prepare. You are not too young to declare a seven day prayer and fasting just for this purpose! Samuel was ministering before the Lord at age 8. I see God strengthening you, causing His face to shine upon you and lifting you up above your contemporaries and enemies surrounding you. May God over-answer your prayers this year in the name of Jesus.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Genesis 1-3
Quote: You must secure an open heaven to secure the New Year
Prophetic Decree: The gate of 2018 is open for you, your family and this nation in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus
1. Strongman of year 2018, die in the name of Jesus.
2. Powers that stopped my progress in year 2017, in this year 2018, you shall not succeed, in the name of Jesus.
3. Powers that slowed down my progress in year 2017, receive the blow of death, in the name of Jesus.
4. Altars from my father’s house sponsoring backward progress, retrogression, affliction, chain of repeated problems, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
5. My Father, give me a miracle of “How did it happen” in this year in the name of Jesus.