JAN 2, 2020
Bible Reading: Psalm 103:1-22
Memory Verse: Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.Psalms 103: 1-2
Perhaps Year 2019 ended on a terrible note – you lost your job, failed an exam, had a miscarriage, broken relationship, unable to settle your mortgage or the banks are now after you? Beloved, you still have a reason to praise the Lord. A ‘downtime’ should not be mistaken as an ‘end time’. It is not over for you, beloved. The God of the harvest time is still the God of the planting time. Let your soul come back to its resting place.
Dr Dennis said: Research has shown that approximately 55.3 million people die every year. That means 151,600 people die each day and 6,316 die every hour. This means that when you woke up this morning, about 151,600 people didn’t wake up with you, and by the end of the day today, another 151,600 people are going to be dead. What a staggering figure! So, whenever you feel like this life is not worth living, whenever you feel like taking your own life, whenever you feel like giving in or giving up, I want you to know that there are many people who are on their dying bed right now. There are many people gasping for breath. There are many people who are praying that they should have one more day, and one more hour to spend with their loved ones. There are many people who are six feet under the ground who don’t have the gift of life you are having today. So, if you are alive, if you have breath, if your heart is beating, you have every reason to be grateful, thankful and to live your best life now.
There are many people who are physically challenged but they don’t let it stop them from living their best life. They don’t allow it to stop them from using their God given gift, talent and abilities. There are many people who can’t walk. There are many people who can’t see. There are many people who can’t talk but, they don’t let it define them. As a matter of fact, they don’t call themselves disabled. They say they are “differently abled”. They are enjoying their lives and making a difference with what they’ve got. So, what are you doing with the gift of life God has given you today? Stop complaining. What impact are you making around you? Stop being downcast. What mark are you leaving on earth? Stop grumbling. Aren’t you going to make the best out of what you’ve got? Or, you are going to keep complaining about what you don’t have. Do you know that the job that you hate and always complain about is the dream of someone who is unemployed. The house that you think is too small is the dream home of someone else. The food that you’re sick and tired of eating is what someone is longing for. So, be grateful for what you have and God will definitely bless you with more and live each and every day to the fullest because there are many people who wish they had the breath of life that you have right now. There are many people…
Quote: It is a greater height of self deceit when you think the other side is greener.
Prophetic Decree: In Year 2020 you shall receive beauty for your ashes, in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus:
1. Sing the song, “I have a reason to praise the Lord”.
2. I receive beauty for my ashes, in Jesus name.
3. O Lord, put a new song in my mouth in Year 2020.
4. Garment of sorrow, self pity and hopelessness, catch fire, in Jesus name.
5. Holy Ghost delete the memory of my painful past hunting my celebration, in Jesus name.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Genesis 4-7