Sunday, 29th December, 2024
Bible Reading: 2 Timothy 2: 20-22
Memory Verse: Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Psalm 51:7 (NLT)
As the year comes to an end, you need to purge yourself of every form of spiritual and emotional contaminants. Many are carrying emotional luggage of yesteryears into their today and inadvertently into their future. I wouldn’t want that to be your testimony. Do you know that unforgiveness, bitterness, malice, resentment, thoughts of revenge, just to mention but a few, can close the heavens of your life? Perhaps that is why you are not making progress the way you ought to. That must stop today by the power of God, in Jesus name.
I know you were raped in the most embarrassing way, but you’ve got to let go of the pain and forgive, whether you know the perpetrators or not. Allow God to heal you. Allow the Holy Spirit to fill the void in your heart. I know your parents may have acted irresponsibly. They neglected you when it mattered most. Let go and let God, so that the blessings that can only come from parent to children which no prophet can confer on you will be truly yours.
The bitterness against your former suitor who jilted you close to your wedding day is sending the wrong signals to heaven. Your angel of blessing from heaven above is confused of the wrong aroma oozing out of you hence, they are finding it difficult to spiritually connect you with a better suitor. Please hear me beloved: With God, the best is reserved for future. Let go of yesterday’s bitterness that you may receive the new suitor God is bringing your way.
Worry is another emotional baggage that you need to separate from. Many worry too much about the future. Bitter truth be told: There are many things you won’t be able to control. If you can control everything then you won’t need God, the owner of times and seasons. Don’t let all that people say or do get too much at you. In fact, worry less about your own mistakes even as you strive to be a better you.
You won’t always get everything right. You are human. Your humanity will always play out. “Worrying is carrying tomorrow’s load with today’s strength- carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying doesn’t empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength” – Corrie Ten Boom.
Spiritual contamination is the highest form of contamination. He that toys with sin is playing with his spiritual destiny. Maturbation, Pornography, Gay, Lebianism, Bestiality, Anal sex, etc, must seize to be found in your life. Trust God for grace to deal with these contaminants once and for all these few days before the New Year. May the New Year usher in newness for you and your family, in Jesus name.
Quote: Protect your spirit from contamination. Limit your time with negative people.
Prophetic Decree: I come against anything in your life blocking your heavens in Year 2025, in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus
1. Blood of Jesus, purge my spirit, soul and body today, in Jesus name.
2. I receive the emotional toughness to live above worry and anxiety in Jesus name.
3. The grip of sexual sins over my life, break now, in Jesus name.
4. Every seed of unforgiveness, resentment, bitterness, and revenge, dry up, in Jesus name.
5. Holy Spirit, please heal me of spiritual and emotional pain today, in Jesus name.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Revelation 6-11