Saturday, 28th December, 2024
Bible Reading: Isaiah 40: 29-31
Memory Verse: You’re my place of quiet retreat, and your wraparound presence becomes my shield as I wrap myself in your Word! Psalm 119:114 (TPT)
Well trained soldiers of Christ know when to attack and when they need to retreat for fortification. You will not always be on the battle field. The God who created the heavens and the earth took a break after six days of hardwork to rest and re-evaluate all He has created. On such occasion he said, “It is good”. Even in the physical, permanent staff of most organisations are entitled to annual leave to refresh and recuperate.
This is a paid leave. Top echelon of companies travel oversee to brainstorm periodically on the way forward. Then, why should we, the children of the Highest shouldn’t take time to retreat and re-strategize. Sometimes you need a long protracted time with God to think, meditate, and plan in retrospect. As the year round off, there is no better time. While it is good to spend some time with family and friends, please do not forget to spend much more time with your Maker.
A retreat is usually done in a quiet place, and could last from a few hours to many days. I would advise you spend the first day of your retreat to praise, worship, and thank God profusely. There are a million and one things that could have destabilised your life, grounded your health or devour your finances, but for His mercies.
Spend the next few days (depending on how long you choose to retreat) to critically evaluate the passing year and draw an action plan for the next year. You may decide to section your life into various departments – Spiritual, Academics, Family, Health, Friends, Career, etc. Score yourself on various headings on how far you have done well, and what you need to improve on going forward. Draw a very precise action plan and prayerfully work towards it. Nothing becomes dynamic until it first becomes specific.
With God by your side, in the coming year, you will experience greater heights in business, career, health, academics, and in your family. No evil will befall you in the New Year, and no scourge will come near your tent. In the remaining part of this year, you will experience no evil thing, in Jesus name. Year 2025 shall speak Greater Grace in all ramifications.
Quote: Heavenly soldiers don’t retire. They retreat to refire.
Prophetic Decree: The God that preserved and sustained your life in Year 2024 shall take your destiny beyond your wildest imagination in the coming year, in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus
1. Father of all Grace, I adore You.
2. Thank you Father for the covenant of life.
3. Any altar of doom erected against me and my family, catch fire, in Jesus name.
4. Glory and wisdom of God overshadow my life in the coming year, in Jesus name.
5. Wisdom for greater works and greater achievements, overshadow my life in Year 2025.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Revelation 1-5