DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post November
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Saturday, 16th November, 2024

Bible Reading: James 4: 6,10

Memory VerseBut He gives us more grace. This is why it says: “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” James 4:6 (BSB)

Humility will always secure you a place in life. Humility will keep you. Humility will ensure what belongs to you is not given to another. Humility is a state of heart. It is a state of low-mindedness. It is one of the outflows of the Spirit of God within you. Pride has separated many from receiving the best of God for their lives, yet they keep revelling in pain. You know of an Uncle or a friend that could help you out of your financial situation yet, you wouldn’t bulge. You said you can’t cheapen yourself. Don’t worry, your high mindedness will elongate your pain and prolong your wilderness experience. Come down from your high horse and ask for help. This is just a temporary season of your life. It is transient. It is one of those transient episodes in the pages of our lives.

If someone has what you need, humble yourself and look for it. God gave gifts/abilities to men, we must humble ourselves to receive from men. It is detrimental arrogance to dismiss people that God has raised for Himself. It’s even worse if the man knows that he has what you need and your need for it; you’ll then need to prove to God and to such a man why you should receive. Again, when a man has received from God through men is not debatable. It’s so clear that even sceptics and doubters will confirm that he has something. Finally, if you couldn’t convince God, you can’t convince any man. Every true ability comes from God and many atimes through men. Meet your father that sees in secret and labour to convince Him there. Leave the rest for Him. If He needs to work on you to reward you openly, He will do it. If He needs to work on others to reward you openly, He will also do it. Blessings!





Quote:  It is detrimental arrogance to dismiss people God has raised to help you.

Prophetic Decree: May the Holy Spirit remove the log in your eyes preventing you from seeing the pride locked up in you, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus 

1. Thank You Father for always thinking about me.

2. I receive grace for humility, in Jesus name. 

3. May my passion to fulfil my destiny be greater than my ego, in Jesus name. 

4. I receive grace to humble myself and ask for help, in Jesus name. 

5. I receive wisdom to rule in life, in Jesus name. 

6. My life shall attract helpers that will never be tired of me, in Jesus name. 


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