Today, I want you to see some of the factors that affect what men see in life and I want you to pay a very close attention to them…
Today, I want you to see some of the factors that affect what men see in life and I want you to pay a very close attention to them…
A lady worked at a meat distribution factory. One day, when she finished with her work schedule,…
The lyrics of a song goes thus: And death could not hold Him in bondage. Even in the grave, Jesus is Lord…
A man was preparing to speak at a conference and he decided to bring an orange to the stage with him as a practical for the lecture…
Good Friday is a Christian holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary…
Your leg is the symbol of your divine location in destiny. The Bible says wherever we (God’s children) set our foot, shall be ours…
Playing Football: Kaka is a Christian football player using his skill to the glory of God…
Catering /Cook / Chef / Culinary: A brother friend can cook again & again…
Don’t tell me you’re planning to add to the league of ever increasing jobless graduates the world count year-in, year-out…
Our God is beautiful. In His beauty & ecstasy He fashioned us and made us all for His own pleasure…
Lance Edward Armstrong (born Lance Edward Gunderson) was born September 18, 1971…
Sometime ago, we were concluding a programme, and I was looking for a camera man to take shot with Don Moen…