The story is said of an old captain of a ship who often sail on the high sea and prone to attack by Pirates. When the pirates come attacking, usually he orders this younger sailor who happens to be his protégé…
The story is said of an old captain of a ship who often sail on the high sea and prone to attack by Pirates. When the pirates come attacking, usually he orders this younger sailor who happens to be his protégé…
PROPHETIC COVERING: In 2 Kings 6:8-12, the king of Israel submitted himself to Prophet Elisha who had understanding of visions. Consequently, he averted the numerous ambush
Decree: I receive the prophetic insight that will trigger my long awaited miracles, in Jesus name. The key needed to activate your long time expectations shall be given to you today, in…
You must come to the understanding that there are numerous weapons in the arsenal of the Almighty. God has the prerogative to use any of such weapons to give you your desired miracle. Some of us …
An Orientalist once said “If you want to destroy the civilization of a nation, there are three (3) ways: Destroy family structure, destroy the education system, and lower their role models and references…
An Orientalist once said “If you want to destroy the civilization of a nation, there are three (3) ways: Destroy family structure, destroy the education system, and lower their role models and references…
When the ancient Chinese decided to live in peace, they made the Great Wall of China. They thought no one could climb it due to its height. During the first 100 years of its existence, the Chinese were invaded…
The next day the lady committed another crime and was sent to the same court. As soon as she entered the courtroom, she saw the man who interceded on her behalf the previous day now…