ing examination. They are meant to prepare you for the next level. Let us continue
in our study of how to conquer examination…
ing examination. They are meant to prepare you for the next level. Let us continue
in our study of how to conquer examination…
Early preparation: Before the start of the term/semester, start reading. Learn to
be a step ahead. Learn to go a little further (Mat. 26: 29). “The womb of early
preparation gives birth to monumental success”…
Never shall you look back at your life to discover you have not fulfilled some of
your greatest aspiration, in Jesus name (Amen). Be encouraged and step out to confront
your fears today…
According to Jack Canfield, an American Author, “Everything you want is on the other
side of fear”. Whao, what an insight! I cannot agree more. Fear is an enemy. Fear is a
robber. Fear is a tormentor. Fear is a stopper, and above…
ersistent temptation of Mrs Potiphar? Mrs Potiphar gave him an opportunity to sleep
with her free of charge and he vehemently rejected her persistent…
A young man in his late teens was working for a very influential person in the society. All
asset and properties apart from his wife was put under the care of this young chap.
However, the wife of this man saw this chap as a tool to satisfy…
The end is indeed near. Our generation is daily breeding men with reprobate minds.
They do not fear God neither do they appreciate any good cultural values. Men who are
glued to their lust and affection. A generation of Sodom and Gomorrah…
Do you wonder why the Bible gives a full description of the parentage (family history) of
a particular set of people as you see in Matthew Chapter One. The Bible is the most
detailed book ever written and as such does not contain…
to you over there. I am sure this message meets you well. King Josiah was on the
throne for 18 years before entering into the fullness of his calling (2 Kings 22:3). There
is always a season of preparation before manifestation…
2 Kings 22:18-19 says “But as for the king of Judah, who sent you to inquire of the LORD,
in this manner you shall speak to him, ‘Thus says the LORD God of Israel: “Concerning
the words which you have heard “because your heart…
Then you step into a shoe that is bigger than you, you must quickly learn how to wear it.
Sometimes, destiny confers on you some great privileges very early in life which you do
not have the mental capacity and spiritual acumen to manage…
In Jeremiah 1:11, God asked Jeremiah, “What seest thou? Jeremiah replied, “I see a rod
of an almond tree.” The Lord responded “You have seen well”. When you see what God
wants you to see, you enter into your Kingdom inheritanceIn Jeremiah 1:11, God asked Jeremiah, “What seest thou? Jeremiah replied, “I see a rod
of an almond tree.” The Lord responded “You have seen well”. When you see what God
wants you to see, you enter into your Kingdom inheritance…