In his book, Leadership Gold, John C. Maxwell x-rayed the leadership secrets he learnt in his over 40 years of teaching leadership. Here are some of his nuggets…
In his book, Leadership Gold, John C. Maxwell x-rayed the leadership secrets he learnt in his over 40 years of teaching leadership. Here are some of his nuggets…
Sing the hymn, “Now thank we all our God” for the privilege God as given you to see this day. The gates of Year 2021 will be opened officially in the next few hours. I will want you to sow prophetically in words and power…
Do you know God is still committed to making your life a success no matter the failures of your past in the remaining part of this year and beyond? Be inspired by the testimonies of these prominent men and women God moved…
So even though wisdom is better than strength, those who are wise will be despised if they are poor. What they say will not be appreciated for long…
It is amazing to know what some people do on the other side of Christianity to generate power. Some lock themselves up in a dark room for more than a month not setting their eyes on the sun, others kill a day-old child, some…
What manner of man lives with his wife in a rented apartment in the city of San Francisco but surprisingly, over the course of his life donated more than $8 billion to charitable causes. What manner of man never wears…
There have been so many misconceptions about boxing day. Some think it is a day for boxing (fighting), but it’s simply a holiday celebrated the day after Christmas day. Boxing day is another time of appreciation. It is an age long…
Is Christmas a day of jubilation or a day of sober reflection? The answer is dependent on your paradigm. For me, I think it’s both. While I thank God for His gift of extravagant love, on the other hand, I ask myself if I have…
Pema Chödrön said, “The most fundamental aggression to ourselves, the most fundamental harm we can do to ourselves, is to remain ignorant by not having the courage and the respect to look at ourselves honestly and…
The deceptive food the devil feeds man is called ‘religion’ but that is not what it means to be a Christian. Christianity is founded on the revelation of the Word of God. How do you detect the spirit of religion?…
During the Nigeria-Biafra civil war, many Igbo people fled from other parts of the country to the East due to civil crisis just as much as the Hausas fled to the North from the East for that same reason. Many abandoned their…
If all you have is what you laboured to get, then you need to pray against disfavour. If from January to December you have been scarcely rewarded in cash or kind, then favour is not at work. The Oil of favour upon a man…