The results of drug abuse include: Extreme violent behavior, rape, drug induced suicide, paranoia (false belief about oneself due to mental illness), poor academic performance…
The results of drug abuse include: Extreme violent behavior, rape, drug induced suicide, paranoia (false belief about oneself due to mental illness), poor academic performance…
Five major predisposing factors to drug abuse among students are peer pressure, curiosity, ignorance, academic induced frustration and lack of parental care….
In Nigeria, the problem of drugs began to assume very worrisome dimensions at the end of the Second World War following the return of some Nigerian soldiers from mainly Burma, India, where…
Drug is defined as any chemical substance which when taken into the body affects one’s mood, behaviour and/or state of mind. In other words, any substance that changes the way the body…
According to the gospel book of John, Pilate sat down in the judgement seat called Pavement, interpreted as Gabbatha in Greek and eventually conceded to the pressure mounted against his..
The road to good success comes with its own attendant challenges. You must have a workable plan. Nevertheless, you must be flexible with such a plan because life poses both pleasant and…
Very difficult to actually practice in real life, but definitely worth giving it a try every time we are in a sticky situation. Unknowingly, we all harbor feelings of people we come in contact with…
Sometimes ago, hunched back demonic men were reported to have been brought from a foreign country as contracted by one tyrant leader. They were to make incantations for many months…
From our text, the adversary manoeuvered David into taking a census in Israel. This would put David’s trust in the size of his army, rather than God. Joab, commander of David’s army recognized…
Start giving your best to your future when it is still small. It is the deception of the devil for you to wait till when it is big before you start taking it serious. Now, you’re in school…
.Have you observed that the most powerful things in the world today are small things. Everything in the world today is going smaller. What will take a Main frame computer to do 70 years ago …
There is a bridge between God’s promises and its manifestation. Too many Christians live in the aura of God’s promises and don’t experience the joy of its manifestation. You’ve got to move into the..