Ever since I was born, I have not seen many people arrived late to the airport when the person is travelling…
Ever since I was born, I have not seen many people arrived late to the airport when the person is travelling…
To be punctual is to arrive early for all assignment and engagement. Punctuality is the soul of business…
This is no fiction. A family of 7 children suddenly discovered that their lifes were going down negatively in the same direction…
“To memorize” is “to commit to heart”. It is to be able to recite a particular thing without looking at the original manual from which it was learnt….
The Bible is the Believers’ manual for understanding the mind of God (Joshua 1:8). It is the Believers’ Information Bringing Life Eternal…
Good day folks. Hope you had a lovely night? Shall we study the Power gifts; the third class of the gifts of the Spirit according to 1Cor.12:8-10…
We shall consider the Vocal/Inspirational gifts; the second group of the gifts of the Holy Spirit according to our Bible reference of today…
We shall begin to study the gifts of the Spirit under the 3 broad classifications. Let us start with the Revelational gift for today…
There are various kinds of gifts of the Holy Spirit. 1 Cor. 12:8-10 list some of them as the gifts of the word of wisdom,…
These 9 gifts are a tremendous help and aid not only to you in your own personal walk with the Lord…
FAITH: This is firm and unwavering believe in God. It is the lifeline of every believer…
LONGSUFFERING: This also means patience or endurance. It is the ability to hold-on. Holding-on to the promises of God…