Important Facts About Your Flesh Include:…
. Divine Dealings 001: Spiritual people are not people that are perfect from the beginning. Infact, God needs your mistakes in order to begin a process in your life. Don’t be ashamed of your past mistakes – Apostle Arome Osayi…
One acronym to fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. Fear is a torment. Fear could be sponsored by an evil spirit. The opposite of fear is faith…
Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain or harm. If you fear it, you have welcomed it. Fear is a door opener to demons. Job said, “For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.” (Job 3:25)…
She had just lost her husband. 41 days later, her son went to take an injection in the hospital and there he suddenly slumped and died. She became mad in her spirit. No, it can’t happen. Doctor said forget about him. “I have been practicing this profession for the past 35 years…
Today, I will want us to consider the above topic with particular reference to Bishop David Abioye, a man who is an apostle of stewardship even as in his capacity as one of the God’s General’s of our time. He said, “Ministry is a call, not what you desire. I needed
An invited guest minister gave a very dangerous revelatory prophecy. The person concerned organized an hired killer to ambush him on the highway. The hired assassins told him that his life has been paid for. He ordered him to get down from the car but he said he cannot…
Our boys whom we sent to the Universities to study are now living in hotels doing “Yahoo”, defrauding people. They are not studying. They are “sorting”. Bribing lecturers to pass. They only come to campus in convoys once in a while to show off. Guess what? Some lecturers…
An entrepreneur is an individual who takes the risk to start his own business based on an idea he has, or a product/service he has created while assuming most of the risks with the hope of making a profit from the business. 23-year-old Jimoh Yakubu who hails from Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria…
The old adage remains ever true: “Show me your friend, and I will tell you who you are”. You cannot be better than the people you relate with. Just one wrong person in your circle of friends is more than enough to corrupt you. Usually, it is easier to corrupt than to mend….
Sexual Purity Ambassador, Pastor Victor Olukoji further said, “Before you become as gentle as a dove, you must first be as wise as a serpent! Be wise because the days are evil. Destiny terminators don’t wear masks. Many times, they are seemingly real people around you…
Shall we continue to drink from the wisdom of PVO to the body of Christ. “Ignorance, foolishness and assumption are some of the reasons why people fall. A young lady fell into the sin of fornication and chose to confess to her mentor. Instead of helping her up from where she has fallen…